<!-- Step 1: List all transactions, starting with the ICO -->
  <% for transaction in Transaction.all %>
    <% from_user = User.find_by({ "id" => transaction["from_user_id"] }) %>
    <% to_user = User.find_by({ "id" => transaction["to_user_id"] }) %>

      <% if from_user %>
        <%= transaction["amount"] %> from <%= from_user["name"] %> to <%= to_user["name"] %>
      <% else %>
        Initial coin offering: <%= transaction["amount"] %> to <%= to_user["name"] %>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

<!-- Step 2: Calculate and display the balances -->
  <% for user in User.all %>
      balance = 0
      balance = balance + Transaction.where({ "to_user_id" => user["id"] }).sum("amount")
      balance = balance - Transaction.where({ "from_user_id" => user["id"] }).sum("amount")

    <li>Balance for <%= user["name"] %>: <%= balance %> KC</li>
  <% end %>

Alternatively, using a <table>:

<!-- Step 1: List all transactions, starting with the ICO -->
    <th>From User</th>
    <th>To User</th>
  <% for transaction in Transaction.all %>
    <% from_user = User.find_by({ "id" => transaction["from_user_id"] }) %>
    <% to_user = User.find_by({ "id" => transaction["to_user_id"] }) %>
        <% if from_user %>
          <%= from_user["name"] %>
        <% else %>
          Initial coin offering
        <% end %>
      <td><%= to_user["name"] %></td>
      <td><%= transaction["amount"] %></td>
  <% end %>

<!-- Step 2: Calculate and display the balances -->

  <% for user in User.all %>
      balance = 0
      balance = balance + Transaction.where({ "to_user_id" => user["id"] }).sum("amount")
      balance = balance - Transaction.where({ "from_user_id" => user["id"] }).sum("amount")

      <td><%= user["name"] %></td>
      <td><%= balance %> KC</td>
  <% end %>